
To Do or Not to Do

I finally know what i want to do in life. Finally. I want to do two things - Everything and Nothing. No, No...don't think this is a philosophical statement or one of those crazy thoughts that dawn on me all of a sudden. I am very serious when i say this. When i say everything, i mean everything that i want to do - be a hair stylist, a sociologist, a writer, house wife, professor, traveller, act in plays, start my own restaurent and many more things. And by Nothing i mean, i want the freedom to be able to give up everything and do just 'Nothing'...for a while, till i can maintain my sanity and then when i feel am going insane doing Nothing, i want to go back to doing everything. You know what i mean?

Considering the fact that i get bored with monotony very soon, i don't want to follow just one career path.... there are too many things out there to be done and to be experienced, once before you die. I cant bear to be just a sociologist, just a writer, just a client servicing supervisor, just a house wife. I want all of it. The fun thing is, this is not impossible to achieve. Impractical, maybe.... but not impossible. As i write this, i realize that there will be more people criticising me for this than encouraging, the world always expects you to do what they think is the right thing to do. But what the heck - everybody is allowed to have a dream of their own, aren't they. Well, this is mine!!


Down memory lane....!

Mails from long lost times...feelings you'd felt so strongly, now forgotten...moments spent and cherished, now history....little little things that made you smile, now gone!! Life.

I happened to read some old mails written to bosom friends who are no longer a part of my life. Friends who belong to a time when i was not the me i am now, when i felt emotions i dont feel now, when i cried over things that i dont remember now and laughed at things that no longer bring me joy. Life.

"Its nice to go back to a place that remains unchanged, to discover how you yourself have changed" Past is like that place you visit. I visited it today, through the mails and got to know a little more of myself. Its a good journey to undertake, once in a while.