
Constant ringing in the head!!!

The ringing in my head doesnt stop......i try to curb it, to silence it...to shut it up....but it goes on. Sometimes for a moment i hear the silence, the quiet....thinking its gone, finally i managed to rid myself of it but it comes again...it peeps out from the thought behind which its hinding..n playfully starts the buzz again. I close my ears, shut my eyes...i yell....and its still there.

They say that the mind is the greatest instrument we will ever own. It scares me you know sometimes, to have such a responsibility of shaping something, of nurturing it, of monitering the direction that it takes, of feeding it with belief, trust, confidence, patience, peace and weeding out negative thoughts, mistrust, fear, insecurity......seems more like a garden to me now that i am writing. The ringing is like a drug that you take once and you know you should'nt do it again but there is a malicious voice pulling you, calling you, enticing you to come and try..just once, once more......! I let the ringing come just one more time...i gave in to it...and now it wont leave me.

Can someone HELP please!

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