
Strange Relationships...

It started like a fairy tale, just short of ‘once upon a time’. They gave their lives and dreams to each other, smiled one another’s smile and cried each other’s tears. They had come a long way, walking together, sometimes one ahead of another, but together nonetheless. And now all that is left of the tale is an awkward silence. Silence that gnaws inside.

They stand side by side not looking at each other. He seems to be examining his feet very closely and she finds the poster on the latest Mobile Handset very informative all of a sudden. Two people who’ve not only lost each other but a little bit of themselves in the process. Staying in love is so much harder than falling in love, because we stop being friends.

Liv Ullmann (Scandinavian actress) writes that when she divorced her first husband, they sat holding hands under the table while they signed their separation papers. She says they divorced because they were 'good friends'...! Do we need more than that in a relationship??

I have a lot of broken relationships around me right now. Either completely tattered or on the verge of. A common thing between all these relationships is that there is no love involved anymore! How is it that something that we live and love becomes 'once upon a time'? YOU become once upon a time?! Strange...strange relationships and strange we who make them. It amazes me sometimes, this ability of ours to attach and then disconnect from people, the things we ‘need’ and those we ‘want’. We are selfish, all of us. More in love with the feeling of being in love itself than with the person. We can’t do without the one we love because we ‘need’ and ‘want’ to be loved. We ‘need’ to be ‘wanted’. Someone once told me – loving should have nothing to do with the person you love; it's none of his business. ‘Love me for a reason and let the reason be Love’



Every once in a while something comes your way which completely shakes you up....it does something to your insides..something due to which you can 'feel' the thing that is you....!! It just reflects who you are and attempts to answer why you're here.I saw a movie and it touched me in a way which i cannot describe. I did not like it for the way its made, although i think its brilliant, but i loved it simply for one scene. The movie is called shadows in the sun. Its about a writer who stops writing and then an editor comes along and changes just about everything.

There is a scene where after being admonished by the editor, the writer steps into his study. The study room has remained closed for years. His fear when he sits in front of the Type writer and attempts to write, the way his hands tremble and that feeling that you just cant do it, not again. After struggling for sometime, attempting to type a few words, he just breaks down and cries!!! He gets up, and opens the window and takes the fresh air in as if he is breathing reality...! The fear and the passion which has been captured in that one scene is beyond words.

I couldn't help the tears flowing down my face. I have known what it is to fear writing...fear expression....!! When you finally overcome that fear and put pen to paper you're so overwhelmed, you feel ALIVE and FREE. There is a freedom in expression, in writing that i've not experiences in anything else. Perhaps painters feel the same and for that matter any artist.

There is a corner so sacred and deep and vast inside you...which finds expression only in freedom..and art is that freedom. I can fly as long as i can write...and boy, how high is the sky!