
All in your head!!

"Amma where is my white t-shirt...why do you have to rearrange my things...?"/ "Nothing will ever be the same again.." - she said as tears rolled down her cheeks/ "Why the hell does Philip have to go and open his mouth every single time?"/ "Chal yaar sutta marte hai...forget this crap": Sometimes characters in my head just scream out these lines. Different people, vague faces, no names...just voices..!! Faces and glimpses, momentary emotions that i try and capture in a story but they fade off...like smoke...!

They are not people, yet, they are waiting to be. Sometimes i try and give them an identity and sometimes just let them be...as they live the moment and faze off. I forget them most of the times and suddenly recognize some voice that i had relegated to the back of my head...kinda like meeting someone for the second time...'Hey...I know you..don't I??

Some of them will be born, live and grow. Some will die and yet other's will never even be born. Nonetheless all of them have at some point or other, been a part of me...and will take a little of me with them.

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