

I am suffering from 'Bloginjitis'. Really, this is no joke. Fuck, every thing that happens in my life is a potential topic that can go into the blog. Its funny....cause i start composing in my mind whenever i think of something. Just when i am stepping down from the bus,when i am in the lift, the loo which is my hot favorite place...all my solutions to problems and some of my problems also occur to me in the loo..! Ok now i am getting distracted and going away from what this post was supposed to be about....ha so i was saying that when at any of these places all of a sudden the compose page of my blog comes to my mind and i imagine myself typing. Then it evokes a feeling, according to what that feeling is I choose and discard topics.There were 8 topics that i thought about and then rejected in the past one week. If not a disease what is it? But then just like smokers i take consolation in the thought that all bloggers suffer from this... all of them are travelling in the same boat, i have company ;)

Another problem of writing a blog is that you constantly compare yours with that of others. And it can be quiet depressing at times. When you see a blog thats better than yours..content wise or say the look is so much better..your self worth dips down a bit for sometime. I read this post on some random blog one day which was about coffee mugs...this girl had so beautifully described how she is attached to her coffee mugs and how she carries them everywhere. My self worth went down 20 points. But that makes you think of all the things that you can do to make yours look as intersting...you analyse your writing and think of the things that you will write that will make others exclaim and like your blog. Huhh...tiresome process!!

I am so sure i am not going to be satisfied with this one when i read it later...! But this is what i have to offer at this minute and this is what you get!

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