
Heartfelt II

She sat by the window...the grill obstructing her view at places. Raindrops kept falling on her bare hands and a part of her t-shirt that was touching the grill was soaking wet. But she didn't realize any of this. She just sat there...not thinking...not dreaming...not sad and neither happy. Lazy times. A rare leisure.

A phone call brought her back from nothingness. It was an old school friend, someone she'd not spoken to in years. She lived abroad now and was down for a couple of weeks. Standing by the window and talking and laughing, Shruti suddenly became aware of the heavy rain and the water soaked hem of her t-shirt. She realized how shabby she looked and thought she should finally wear the green kurti she bought 2 months ago but had left it unpacked. She needed a haircut....badly. A lunch plan was made. She would be seeing Deepty after ages...she wanted to look good..feel good.

Over lunch, Shruti lost track of time. They spoke of school days...their class teacher and principal...old classmates. They exchanged funny stories and for a couple of hours went back to morning assembly, recess periods, pulling skirts to make them shorter and the vada pav stall at the corner. It was easy..easy to talk, to forget...to let go. Sometimes when you get lost in today...yesterday does a pretty good job of leading you back. Shruti spoke about her today....and somehow it was easier to talk about it than she had imagined. Deepty spoke of her experiences...not very similar to Shruti's but not too different either. "You know Shruti, we give the keys to people too soon...the keys to drive us crazy". This simple line stuck in Shruti's head all the way back home. She kept thinking about it and for the first time in more than one and a half year, she told herself something that she should have long time back - Its over.

Is this how freedom smells? The damp air rising up and giving her a sudden burst into fresh air. She felt like she was in a meadow and not between an impossible traffic jam. She'd lifted this heavy package since so long..now it was gone..she had dropped it and she felt light, her shoulders slumped in relief and she let out a sigh. She couldn't stop smiling. The smile slowly turned into a laugh. For all the times....the beautiful beautiful memories he'd left...for all the kind words...all the caring and all the fun. Raj seemed like a different person all together, all of a sudden. He stood for all that she'd wished for, hoped for and longed for. She chased him, pinned him down and pushed him...to belong, to hold, to stay. But, it was over. Finally, it was over.

The auto rickshaw had a mirror. Shruti leaned a little towards her right and caught an image of herself...and smiled.


I am... said...

Is it because she had forgiven?

piggieontherailway said...

YES. Him and also herself.

Happy Crow said...

I was desperately waiting for the story to move ahead and am so glad the way you have taken it further. Very positive and very real. True, we all can relate to it. About the first part I actually thought you are writing down my story and there in the second one figures my name! Thank you so much for that! And do we have more to come??? I really hope so. All the best sweetheart :)

Unknown said...

Hey..The story is very good....Infact so real...I think most of the girls go through this phase...Its so tough to let go initially, but when you do..it really is freedom...I guess every girl would relate to it and think its her story...You have treated it very well and expressed it in such an easy language...Hope there's more to it..especially how happy and more sensible a girl becomes...and also how difficult it gets to get into another relation...waiting for it....

piggieontherailway said...

Thank you Deepty and Naveeta. For Shruti, as of now, this is the end. Maybe she'll live her life in one of my stories, later. For now, she's happy and free!!

Its everybody's story i feel...not just a girl's. Men go through the same thing. Perhaps Raj will someday tell us his side of the story. Who knows!

Unknown said...

Oh..No problem..will wait for more real life stories....Yes I agree..its everyone's story..a man's too...but I guess few men..Anyways...Keep writing...

content soul said...

You know, I never get this saying forgive and forget. I can forgive, that's a choice I can make and its a healthy choice, not only for the person who is forgiven but also the forgiver. But forget...how does one do that? Forgetting something I guess is a power bestowed only on time, and we are powerless, just hoping someday time will have mercy and comply...I loved the part of acceptance...that's the first and most important step towards healing..Very well captured.. :)

Prashit said...

I think this chapter of Shruti's life has something interesting in it. It bring out the personality of the character. I really liked the way you have emoted it, sometimes obvious, and at times hidden.

Unknown said...

The story is very practical and real. The kinds one can easily relate to. Your presentation is focussed and brings out Shruti's emotion very well. Keep writing...Good luck!!!