
Stormy Affiar..!!

Rakhi Savant affects our lives. She does. You may or may not have an opinion about Aishwarya Rai or about the Taj Mahal or about the dump of garbage just outside your colony. These are things that just exist...you say 'Ash is beautiful'...'Ohh yes I've been to Taj mahal' or 'Bloody, its stinking here' and you move on. BUT Rakhi is a different thing. You are involved in her life. In what is happening to her and what she's doing. You hate her. You watch her. You talk about her. Sometimes its her break up that you laugh about, sometimes its just the way she talks and sometimes its her wedding. Hell...i am writing my blog about her! The point is, as of today, she is the hottest selling item on the market. Even more than Kasab. People have lost their interest in Kasab, but Rakhi's contract marriage continues to create waves.

Frankly, I like Rakhi Savant. People may think her a dumb bimbo but i cant help admiring her intelligence and gumption. I always have a feeling like she's the one having the last laugh. She must be going to bed with wonderful thoughts of all that she has managed to achieve...all the people who've noticed her, spoken about her,oogled at her and googled her. She is the living example of the best marketing funda ever, "Any publicity is good publicity". She was here to get noticed, she has.

People may talk about her virtues,how morally sound she is and exclaim that the Indian Culture is going to the dogs. Its really funny how they do this. Imagine, a man sitting in front of the television, switching channels. Stops at a news channel giving a detailed analysis of Rakhi's contract wedding and all the controversies related to it. There's a panel of memebers giving their opinion. Very similar to how our budget is discussed on news channels. He stops on that channel and continuously talks about how Rakhi is such a sham and a shameless woman with no values whatsoever. He criticises the media for giving her so much coverage and calls it RIDICULOUS. All this while never taking his eyes off the set. Such double standard idiots we are.

All I can say for Rakhi is 'Go Rakhiiii'. This woman, born to a poor policeman dreamt of taking on the world by a storm. She's created the storm, perhaps not in the direction she wanted it to go but we've got a storm nonetheless!

"A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction" - Oscar Wilde

1 comment:

GAURAV said...

interesting...and i especially like the quote in the end...!!