
About a girl

She sat next to me and held my hand as i cried over a broken heart. She listened to endless complaints, boyfriend troubles, impossible teenage dreams and innocent hopes. She smiled my smiles and cried my tears. She hated the people who hurt me and loved the one's who made me smile.

13 years ago i invited a girl to my birthday party. I didn't know her so well but she was a friend of a friend. Somewhere in the small, winding by lanes of Bhavnagar (A small town in Gujarat where we grew up), during the routine evening rides on "Rakhding road" (a term we coined ourselves) and endless conversations on the phone...i found my soul mate, my friend for life - Deepty.

From silly infatuations, serious relationships, broken hearts, to finally finding the one person you want to spend the rest of your life with, to Motherhood....Deepty and I have come a long long long way. The world could fall apart and go to pieces but i knew i would be safe, she was there to shelter me, to love me. She's the rock that i stand on, that i build my life around. I don't always visit it, but i know its there. Steady and solid. To lean on, to cry on. Just as she has me. Two parts of the same thing. We are the same thing. Her and me.

Just how is it that a relationship (a long distance one at that) grew so beautifully and nurtured itself into this wonderful, gut wrenching love that we share, i don't know. Maybe i never will and a part of its beauty is in not knowing.

She is entering another fantastic stage of her life soon, Motherhood. I can't imagine that girl that i shared those silly laughs with, being a mother. But then again, i can't imagine anyone being a better mother than her. With all the love and compassion and kindness in her....!! Am waiting with baited breath to hear of the arrival of her bundle of joy.....of the moment when my loving, silly, beautiful Idiot (my pet name for her) turned into a Mother!


Prashit said...

Aww...what a wonderful way to express you love for your friend. Even I am looking forward to this wonderful moment n journey in Deepty's life :)

Happy Crow said...

Well, what can I say! Thank you so much my Stupid. I too wonder how close we have always been and how no wrong turn of events has ever come between us. Like you said, its better this way, in not knowing. Though we have been so far away that we have often missed the most important moments of each others lives, still I know we are together in everything. I can't thank God enough for giving me you!!! I love you!