

There are times when i feel like i am sitting in a tunnel...a long winding tunnel...the end of which i cant see (pstt...did that come from Alice in wonderland..hummmmm) and feel like i am moving at the speed of light! The travel just goes on and on and on and on. At first i find the sights that cross and pass by interesting, i find myself curious to 'know' but then it kinda gets boring. I want to reach the end, FAST.......
Does this happen to everyone? I guess so...i guess everyone contemplates death.. sometime or the other...of how it will be to die..to not exist, to not breathe. When you stand at the door in a train...the movement of the tracks..fast...under you...just a difference of a few fingers holding on to the bar, only if they loosen a little bit..I will know what it is to die. But the fingers hold on, tighter, for what cause i do not know. As if life has whispered that it has something much more interesting to offer than death..and who can resist a bribe?!
While crossing the road..a moment when you have an out of the head experience and you feel you are not in your head anymore..you are down there, at the wheels of the nearest speeding vehical..crushed...does it pain??
The two things that almost everyone spends a hell of a lot of time considering, wondering, fearing, dreaming of is 'Life' and 'Death'. We think of others...who've lived as well as died...done both the things, while we are still doing just one of them, living...in anticipation or fear of death.
What hurts me and scares me about death is not death itself..but the fact that life goes on..behind me,after me people will still live, exist, breathe, dream, cry, laugh, walk, talk....all when i am not there..when i am not a part of it! I could say that about death as well..that how can people just die without me being a part of that experience, but somehow i dont. Because death is static...atleast what we know of it, is! Life is dynamic...always changing, evolving, engaging.
Come to think of it Nature created things that balance out each other. Moutains - valleys, desert - rivers, life - death, woman - man, Joys - sorrow!! Where do we as human beings go wrong, somewhere there is a calculation mistake...something that has gone wrong way back...if not..perfect symetry was possible..so i believe!

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