
How much is too much???!

No really...how much is too much?? Am trying to write, trying to express what i mean when i ask this question but somehow am so jumbled up in my head that i cant write. Dont know how to frame my question?! As if this is a question for which i will receive a precise answer, as if it matters!
How do you know when you are driving someone up the wall? How do you know when your demands and wants start becoming unfair? How do you know how much to ask? I wonder sometimes if what i am asking for is too much..! Tell me, how do i know? By dialouge, thats the only way that i can think of. Why does dialouge become difficult? Because we cant let go of our desires. Sometimes i refuse to understand or bend because i feel the ache of my want so much that its difficult to ignore it. Its a step by step process..you want A and then you want 2A,3A...and so on. Is it too much?

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