
Mera Bharat Mahan...aisa kya?!

I find concepts beautiful. They are literally that...beautiful...!! There is this one theory by Charles Cooley called 'looking glass self' which describes how our definition and perception of ourselves is dependent of how others see us. There is a beautiful line that says - I am not who i think i am, i am not who you think i am, i am what i think you think i am...! So true. But i will come to this theory later....its too closely related to our everyday lives.
There is this other concept...its not a theory by anyone but its a concept....the concept of Nationality....its a beautiful one too. Do we ever think how did this concept of nationality come into being? How did we become patriotic about a piece of land, about our people or the culture that we follow...?! Long long ago there was no such thing as Nationality. People lived together, there even was solidarity but no concept of 'this is my land and i am proud of it. Just think about it...the emergence of Nationhood....long ago the Russian Government used its folk culture, the songs and dances, to induce into people this idea of a Nation. Now with all the politcal boundaries so solidly fixed it has become easier to identify ourselves as belonging to a certain group or a region or a culture. We use history nowadays...to reiforce into people what a great country we live in. Do you now understand that its all a very well thought, planned strategy! That heroes were not incidental..but created and that too not for fun or for entertainment but as a strategy..to bind people together. A Julies Ceaser, Prithviraj Chauhan, Shivaji, Antony....are all heroes that were created out of a need....!
History....one of my favourite subjects, not because it educates me and informs me about people that were and the lives that they lived and the brave endavours they undertook...but because its the most brilliantly crafted and the most accepted lie in the world. History..no one challengs it..ever..! Do i go and ask, but what is the proof? Who says so? We fail to understand that History is but a point of view...held by a small group of people who decided to give their opnion on an individual...in the effort they glamoriesed events and people and gave us our heroes..people who have gone down in history. Ofcourse this is not to say that those events did not happen or that Gandhi is merely a figment of one's imagination...but the story that we know is not the whole story..it can't be, its the story in the voice of the majority..or the voice of the dominant people.
Anyway...i think i am getting distracted and entering into territories that i didnt mean to..i was talking about beautiful things...about the beauty of how people have literally 'given' us this sense of who we are and where we belong to. Think about it..!!!!!

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