
The Fountain Head!

Its the first time that i cant decide whether i like a book or i hate it..."fountain head". Scores of people vouched for this book...'Its a must Read.........is it...?! For one, its a philosophical world...all of it..its not a philosophical book..but Ayn has created a world of philosophy.
I believe all of us have a black hole in us..something that is not explainable..not reachable...most of us are not even aware of it...a lot of things get sucked in the hole...and we never know those things or those feelings/emotions existed. There are times when we recognize this black hole and for an instance operate in it...like a look or a glance..will tell us what exactly the other person is thinking...these things can never be put into words! But Ayn seems to operate solely in the black hole...!! Not just one character, all of them. The world that she has created,doesn't exist....the things that Dominique and Roark say..or believe....are from the deepest corner of the black hole. Till then it was still ok...but to my horror i discovered that everybody speaks the same language...of the unspeakable, unexplanable...even meek little Catherine. By making an attempt to say all that is usaid and unspoke..Ayn i feel has ruined it somewhere...it gets too loud and hence vulgar...!
The feeling that i got while reading the book was of those times when a special moment passes between two people...a specail look..that only the two of them know and understand...but as soon as you voice it, the charm is gone, the moment gone...it dissolves and flies away - thats what reading fountain head makes me feel.
Yet...i am hooked to the book. I havent finished reading it yet, the end will decide perhaps of whether i will like the book or not. At this stage its getting interesting...but it continues to be loud.

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