
I, me and thyself..!

Try this. Sit alone in a room and think about 'nothing'. Just don't think. Simply sit there. No, don't close your eyes and don't concentrate or meditate. Just sit. Your mind will drift. To someone, something, some place, some noise, some smell, some memory. Erase. This you will find is one of the hardest things you'll ever do. To sit with yourself...thinking of nothing but you. The hardest thing to do is to spend time with yourself.

I am not talking spirituality. I believe spirituality is not something you can talk about or teach. So, am not getting philosophical here..! What i mean is, we live inside of us..our ENTIRE life....being so unaware of this thing called ME. This doesn't mean that we are selfless...no...quiet the contrary. We always always put ourselves first. Isn't it funny then, that we find it so difficult to sit with ourselves. We are always thinking of 'the other'. Our world view, our definitions, our values, our self worth, ideas, feelings, smiles are all from that 'other'. Everything that we do or think is because the other exists.

Recently i was watching a movie, Anger Management. This guy (Adam Sandler) goes for anger management therapy. His therapist (Jack Nicholson) asks him, "So tell us Dave, who are you?". Dave starts by saying that he works at so and so company and this is his job. The therapist interrupts him and asks, "I am not asking what you do, i am asking, who are you?" Dave had no answer.

Tell me, Who are you?

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