
Ruling stars!

I am a strong believer in star signs. I worship Linda Goodman and find her characteristics of signs pretty accurate. In fact, one of the first things i want to know about a person is the star sign, so that i have a base.....to understand them better. I believe that people with certain star signs are likely to better get along than other's.

I was wondering, you think countries could have star signs? I mean, the way a country behaves..could that have certain patterns? Am not talking about the people of the country..but at a larger..political level. For example, United States of America would be a LEO. Always in the forfront...loves attention, likes to be in the limelight, is arrogant with pride and playful at the same time. Here's something that Linda Goodman says about Leo's "The exasperating thing is that they're quite good at rationalizing things and smoothing out the wrinkles in your life. Too bad they can't manage their own affairs with as much ease and finesse. Leo just can't help feeling superior and behaving dra matically now and then" Now don't we see our very own Uncle Sam in here?

North Korea is a typical SCORPIO baby - Stubborn, uncompromising, unforgiving, exteremly dominating and in need of constant discipline. North Korea has always been in a perpetual conflict with its more peace loving neighbour South Korea. It is now raring to take over the world, forcing everyone to take notice of it. Like a child who won't listen to any reasoning...North Korea is the world's scorpio baby who needs to be handled with a lot of patience and firm action.

While describing a CAPRICORN, Linda Goodman talks about the slow, beaten tortoise and the over confident hare. The hare is carefree and underestimates the tortoise....and looses sight of his goal. The tortoise on the other hand, wins due to sheer determination and focus. A 100 points if you guess who it is?! India? Pakistan? Iran? Nahhhhh...its China. The world almost dismissed...what with its political issues and the never ending population. We saw it more as a burnden than the next super power of the world. Yet there it is, surging ahead....consistantly and ambitiously. Listen to this, "Now study a Capricorn. Where will you find him? Just about anywhere he can advance or improve himself. Any where he can get ahead and further his secret ambitions. Try a social gathering. The Capricorn is not a carefree party type, but the goat we're studying is a social climber as well as a mountain climber". Before we know...the world will be wrapped up in chopsuey and mandarin will be the global language. Make way, the chinese are here!

Now my birthplace, India. My beloved India. Some say she the next super power of the world, some say she's a dominating 'big sister' yet some find her a harbringer of peace and love and spirituality and yoga. Read on - "Librans hate to be rude, yet they'll straighten the crooked picture on your wall and snap off your blaring TV sfft. LIBRANS love people, but they hate large crowds. Like gentle doves of peace, they go around mediating and patching up quarrels between others; still they enjoy a good argument themselves. They're goodnatured and pleasant, but they can also be sulky, and they balk at taking orders". Yes, we are living within a Libran. Thought to be very balanced and good natured, but in reality not always. She has her own set of problems and confusions, she looses control and track and is unsure of where exactly she was heading. But she is kind, a good listner and very helpful.

Get the drift?! A lot more analysis can go into this..and who knows...we may have a science of political behaviour!!

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